Monday, August 21, 2017

My next holidays

The last summer I started to travel outside of my country, in that opportunity I  visited some places in Perú and Ecuador, I really liked that but it was very exhausting, for this reason I made a decision: my next destination is Brasil, and I have the tickets to Rio de Janeiro.

Why Rio de Janeiro? I would like to visit Rio for many reasons, firstly I think it's a nice place to relax at the beach or  have funn in the night, in addition I like the idea of learing new cultures, walk for the favelas and see other reality or simply talk with other cariocas and enjoy their accent. 

I don’t have a clear itinerary, but I plan go over the most traditional zones like the cathedral, the stadium Maracaná (because my boyfriend like that place), walk to the Cristo Redentor and visit the mountain Pan de Azúcar. I don't have a lot of money, for this reason I plan to book in a hostel with kitchen and make my food. In general, I just plan to have a good time, see you in the next post! 


  1. I think that Rio de Janeiro is a wonder! The brazilian culture is very interesting and there are a lot that learn. I hope that you enjoy your trip <3!

  2. Rio de Janeiro must be lovely, i know buzios, in Brasil, and i loved it. I would like to know Rio, i would like to visit Pan de Azucar and drink a lot of caipirinhas.
