Friday, June 3, 2016


Hello human (and every other species)

Today I would to talk about my city: Santiago. In this place I like the suburbs. Why? Because I born in this location and I grow in the street, my family live in Quinta Normal, but I studied and today i play in Cerro Navia, my bond with this commune is strong.

In the “pobla” the community is united, every are friends… but in this sites exist patrons of behavior, the organization is based in the “choreza”, be planiful the logical of power. For this reason your will be create different bond inter commune, your friends changes to your sisters or brothers, are a new family.
I don’t like this situation, because is very damaging for the community, it is normal to hear bursts of gunfire or see how the drug knocks at your door… however I  like my commune, and the persons with live in this site.

The change for make the city a better place is the implementation of a better education, in this education should be inclusive, and this should promote the equality. In this way the social gap is reduced together with the injustice and the delinquency.

For the tourist in Chile, or Santiago I recommend visiting the palace of “Bellas Artes” and the “Barrio Lastarria” and places more traditional like the “Barrio Yungay” or the square of “el roto chileno” and finally visit the suburbs, for make visible alternate realities.

If not are us, who?

Hello bloggers!

In this semester I have very work in my day to day, for that reason I don’t write in this blog… sorry :c  but, right now I have time for repair this situation  in this blog I will talk about the education ( a topic of other  class of may 20)

Well, in this moment the Universidad de Chile, and more specifically the FACSo is in indefinite strike for many reason. The student movement is national, because in the capitalist society the education is in the hands of the businessmen, and in my opinion this situation is condemnable.

In my opinion, I believe in a better education, and this work is a work of every student, and every person, the education is a social law, and our task is to enforce that right as such!
The strike is a mode of demonstration, in this mode the student make the transform praxis, the time is only for this. In my opinion is necessary the strike, and other modes to protest, for example the march, whether or not authorized.

Credit to: Nicolás Calderón Gonzáles
My opinion of student leaders is bad, because i think that leader don’t represent  the completely student, because I don’t like the political party that this person represent, I don’t like the “izquierda autónoma” (ex Boric) or the “juventudes comunistas” (Vallejos) and this political lines are very biased for this party.

Finally I don’t think about the strike and demonstration are the unique modes of change in the society, y think in the revolution and this movement born in the street, in the organization, in the stay combat, in not keep silence in front of injustices, the language reproduce the reality, so, then let's use it in the fight.